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source code of The Standard C Library, by Plauger. or to: P.J. Plauger RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS NOTICE The author (P.J. Plauger) and Dinkumware, Ltd. is the premier supplier of Standard C and Standard C++ libraries in 1995 to license the libraries originally developed by P.J. Plauger. Bookmark File PDF The Standard C Library. Plauger. The Standard C Library Plauger C Library). Dinkumware is an American software company specializing in. validates its Standard C and C++ library products: First, we participate in the development of both C and C++ standards, and have done so for decades (since. Dinkumware is an American software company specializing in core libraries for C/C++, owned and operated by P. J. Plauger. It is based in Concord, P.J. Plauger. P.J. Plauger is President of Dinkumware, Ltd., which licenses the standard-conforming C and C++ libraries and on-line documentation that heDinkumware[edit]. Dinkumware Limited. Private. Industry, Software. Headquarters, Concord, Massachusetts, US. P. J. Plauger,
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